Welcome to the tutorial pages of the Gridap.jl project.
- Introduction
- Tutorial 1: Poisson equation
- Tutorial 2: Code validation
- Tutorial 3: Linear elasticity
- Tutorial 4: p-Laplacian
- Tutorial 5: Hyper-elasticity
- Tutorial 6: Poisson equation (with DG)
- Tutorial 7: Darcy equation (with RT)
- Tutorial 8: Incompressible Navier-Stokes
- Tutorial 9: Stokes equation
- Tutorial 10: Advection-diffusion
- Tutorial 11: Isotropic damage model
- Tutorial 12: Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Tutorial 13: Electromagnetic scattering in 2D
- Tutorial 14: On using DrWatson.jl
- Tutorial 15: Interpolation of CellFields
- Tutorial 16: Poisson equation on parallel distributed-memory computers
- Tutorial 17: Transient Poisson equation
- Tutorial 18: Transient nonlinear equation
- Tutorial 19: Topology optimization
- Tutorial 20: Poisson on unfitted meshes
- Tutorial 21: Poisson with AMR
- Tutorial 22: Low-level API - Poisson equation
- Tutorial 23: Low-level API - Geometry
How to start
There are different ways to use the tutorials:
- [Recommended] Reading the html version of the tutorials. This is the recommended way if you want rapid access to the material with no setup steps. Simply click in one of the links in the Contents section.
- [Recommended] Running the Jupyter notebooks locally. A working installation of Julia in the system is required. See instructions in the How to run the notebooks locally section. This is the recommended way to follow the tutorials if you want to run the code and inspect the generated results with Paraview.
- Running the notebook remotely via binder. In that case, go to the desired tutorial and click the icon
. No local installation of Julia needed.
- Reading a non-interactive version of the notebook via nbviewer. In that case, go to the desired tutorial and click the icon
How to run the notebooks locally
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Move into the folder and open a Julia REPL setting the current folder as the project environment.
$ cd Tutorials
$ julia --project=.
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation:
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.1.0 (2019-01-21)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official release
|__/ |
Instantiate the environment. This will automatically download all required packages.
# Type ] to enter in pkg mode
(Tutorials) pkg> instantiate
Build the notebooks
# Type Ctrl+C to get back to command mode
julia> include("deps/build.jl")
Open the notebooks
julia> using IJulia
julia> notebook(dir=pwd())
This will open a browser window. Navigate to the notebooks
folder and open the tutorial you want. Enjoy!
How to pull the latest version of the tutorials
If you have cloned the repository a while ago, you can update to the newest version with these steps.
Go to the Tutorials repo folder and git pull
$ git pull
Open Julia REPL
$ julia --project=.
and instantiate the environment and build the notebooks again
# Type ] to enter in pkg mode
(Tutorials) pkg> instantiate
# Type Ctrl+C to get back to command mode
julia> include("deps/build.jl")