Tutorial 13: Low-level API Poisson equation

Introduction and caveat

This tutorial is advanced and you only need to go through this if you want to know the internals of Gridap and what it does under the hood. Even though you will likely want to use the high-level APIs in Gridap, this tutorial will (hopefully) help if you want to become a Gridap developer, not just a user. We also consider that this tutorial shows how powerful and expressive the Gridap kernel is, and how mastering it you can implement new algorithms not currently provided by the library.

As any other Gridap tutorial, this tutorial is primarily designed to be executed in a Jupyter notebook environment. However, the usage of a Julia debugger (typically outside of a Jupyter notebook environment), such as, e.g., the Julia REPL-based Debugger.jl package, or the one which comes along with the Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extension for the Julia programming language, may help the reader eager to understand the full detail of the explanations given. Some of the observations that come along with the code snippets are quite subtle/technical and may require a deeper exploration of the underlying code using a debugger.

Including Gridap's low-level API

Let us start including Gridap and some of its submodules, to have access to a rich set of not so high-level methods. Note that the module Gridap provides the high-level API, whereas the submodules such as, e.g., Gridap.FESpaces, provide access to the different parts of the low-level API.

using Gridap
using Gridap.FESpaces
using Gridap.ReferenceFEs
using Gridap.Arrays
using Gridap.Geometry
using Gridap.Fields
using Gridap.CellData
using FillArrays
using Test
using InteractiveUtils

Discrete model and FE spaces set up using high-level API

We first create the geometry model and FE spaces using the high-level API. In this tutorial, we are not going to describe the geometrical machinery in detail, only what is relevant for the discussion. To simplify the analysis of the outputs, you can consider a 2D mesh, i.e., D=2 (everything below works for any spatial dimension without any extra complication). In order to make things slightly more interesting, i.e., having non-constant Jacobians, we have considered a mesh that is a stretching of an equal-sized structured mesh.

L = 2 # Domain length in each space dimension
D = 2 # Number of spatial dimensions
n = 4 # Partition (i.e., number of cells per space dimension)

function stretching(x::Point)
   m = zeros(length(x))
   m[1] = x[1]^2
   for i in 2:D
     m[i] = x[i]

pmin = Point(Fill(0,D))
pmax = Point(Fill(L,D))
partition = Tuple(Fill(n,D))
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(pmin,pmax,partition,map=stretching)

The next step is to build the global FE space of functions from which we are going to extract the unknown function of the differential problem at hand. This tutorial explores the Galerkin discretization of the scalar Poisson equation. Thus, we need to build H1-conforming global FE spaces. This can be achieved using $C^0$ continuous functions made of piece(cell)-wise polynomials. This is precisely the purpose of the following lines of code.

First, we build a scalar-valued (T = Float64) Lagrangian reference FE of order order atop a reference n-cube of dimension D. To this end, we first need to create a Polytope using an array of dimension D with the parameter HEX_AXIS, which encodes the reference representation of the cells in the mesh. Then, we create the Lagrangian reference FE using the reference geometry just created in the previous step. It is not the purpose of this tutorial to describe the (key) abstract concept of ReferenceFE in Gridap.

T = Float64
order = 1
pol = Polytope(Fill(HEX_AXIS,D)...)
reffe = LagrangianRefFE(T,pol,order)

Second, we build the test (Vₕ) and trial (Uₕ) global finite element (FE) spaces out of model and reffe. At this point we also specify the notion of conformity that we are willing to satisfy, i.e., H1-conformity, and the region of the domain in which we want to (strongly) impose Dirichlet boundary conditions, the whole boundary of the box in this case.

Vₕ = FESpace(model,reffe;conformity=:H1,dirichlet_tags="boundary")
u(x) = x[1]            # Analytical solution (for Dirichlet data)
Uₕ = TrialFESpace(Vₕ,u)

The CellDatum abstract type and (some of) its subtypes

We also want to extract the triangulation out of the model and create a numerical quadrature. We use a quadrature rule with a higher number integration points than those strictly needed to integrate a mass matrix exactly, i.e., 4*order, instead of 2*order We do so in order to help the reader distinguish the axis used for quadrature points, and the one used for DoFs in multi-dimensional arrays, which contain the result of evaluating fields (or a differential operator acting on these) in a set of quadrature rule evaluation points.

Tₕ = Triangulation(model)
Qₕ = CellQuadrature(Tₕ,4*order)

Qₕ is an instance of type CellQuadrature, a subtype of the CellDatum abstract data type.



CellDatum is the root of one out of three main type hierarchies in Gridap (along with the ones rooted at the abstract types Map and Field) on which the evaluation of variational methods in finite-dimensional spaces is grounded on. Any developer of Gridap should familiarize with these three hierarchies to some extent. Along this tutorial we will give some insight on the rationale underlying these, with some examples, but more effort in the form of self-research is expected from the reader as well.

Conceptually, an instance of a CellDatum represents a collection of quantities (e.g., points in a reference system, or scalar-, vector- or tensor-valued fields, or arrays made of these), once per each cell of a triangulation. Using the get_data generic function one can extract an array with such quantities. For example, in the case of Qₕ, we get an array of quadrature rules for numerical integration.

Qₕ_cell_data = get_data(Qₕ)
@test length(Qₕ_cell_data) == num_cells(Tₕ)

In this case we get the same quadrature rule in all cells (note that the returned array is of type Fill). Gridap also supports different quadrature rules to be used in different cells. Exploring such feature is out of scope of the present tutorial.

Any CellDatum has a trait, the so-called DomainStyle trait. This information is consumed by Gridap in different parts of the code. It specifies whether the quantities in it are either expressed in the reference (ReferenceDomain) or the physical (PhysicalDomain) domain. We can indeed check the DomainStyle of a CellDatum using the DomainStyle generic function:

DomainStyle(Qₕ) == ReferenceDomain()
DomainStyle(Qₕ) == PhysicalDomain()

If we evaluate the two expressions above, we can see that the DomainStyle trait of Qₕ is ReferenceDomain. This means that the local FE space in the physical space in which our problem is posed is expressed in terms of the composition of a space in a reference FE in a parametric space (which is being shared by many or all FEs in the physical space) and the inverse of the geometrical map (from the parametric to the physical space).

In practise, the integration in the physical space is transformed into a numerical integration in the reference space (via a change of variables) using a quadrature. We can exploit this property for ReferenceDomain FE spaces to reduce computations, i.e., to avoid applying the geometrical map to the quadrature points within Qₕ and its inverse at the shape functions in the physical space.

We note that, while finite elements may not be defined in this parametric space (it is though standard practice with Lagrangian FEs, and other FEs, because of performance reasons), finite element functions are always integrated in such a parametric space. However, for FE spaces that are genuinely defined in the physical space, i.e., the ones with the PhysicalDomain trait, the transformation of quadrature points from the reference to the physical space is required.

In fact, the DomainStyle metadata of CellDatum allows Gridap to do the right thing (as soon as it is implemented) for all combinations of points and FE spaces (both either expressed in the reference or physical space). This is accomplished by the change_domain function in the API of CellDatum.

Using the array of quadrature rules Qₕ_cell_data, we can access specific entries. The object retrieved provides an array of points (Point data type in Gridap) in the cell reference parametric space $[0,1]^d$ and their corresponding weights.

q = Qₕ_cell_data[rand(1:num_cells(Tₕ))]
p = get_coordinates(q)
w = get_weights(q)

However, there is a more convenient way (for reasons made clear above) to work with the evaluation points of quadratures rules in Gridap. Namely, using the get_cell_points function we can extract a CellPoint object out of a CellQuadrature.

Qₕ_cell_point = get_cell_points(Qₕ)

CellPoint (just as CellQuadrature) is a subtype of CellDatum as well

@test isa(Qₕ_cell_point, CellDatum)

and thus we can ask for the value of its DomainStyle trait, and get an array of quantities out of it using the get_data generic function

@test DomainStyle(Qₕ_cell_point) == ReferenceDomain()
qₖ = get_data(Qₕ_cell_point)

Not surprisingly, the DomainStyle trait of the CellPoint object is ReferenceDomain, and we get a (cell) array with an array of Points per each cell out of a CellPoint. As seen in the sequel, CellPoints are relevant objects because they are the ones that one can use in order to evaluate the so-called CellField objects on the set of points of a CellPoint.

CellField is an abstract type rooted at a hierarchy that plays a cornerstone role in the implementation of the finite element method in Gridap. At this point, the reader should keep in mind that the finite element method works with global spaces of functions which are defined piece-wise on each cell of the triangulation. In a nutshell (more in the sections below), a CellField, as it being a subtype of CellDatum, might be understood as a collection of Fields (or arrays made out them) per each triangulation cell. Field represents a field, e.g., a scalar, vector, or tensor field. Thus, the domain of a Field are points in the physical domain (represented by a type Point in Gridap, which is a VectorValue with a dimension matching that of the environment space) and the range is a scalar, vector (represented by VectorValue) or tensor (represented by TensorValue).

Unlike a plain array of Fields, a CellField is associated to a triangulation and is specifically designed having in mind FEs. For example, a global finite element function, or the collection of shape basis functions in the local FE space of each cell are examples of CellField objects. As commented above, these fields can be defined in the physical or a reference space (combined with a geometrical map provided by the triangulation object for each cell). Thus, CellField (as a sub-type of CellDatum) has the DomainStyle metadata that is used, e.g., for point-wise evaluations (as indicated above) of the fields and their derivatives (by implementing the transformations when taking a differential operators, e.g., the pull-back of the gradients).

Exploring our first CellField objects

Let us work with our first CellField objects, namely FEBasis objects, and its evaluation. In particular, let us extract out of the global test space, Vₕ, and trial space, Uₕ, a collection of local test and trial finite element shape basis functions, respectively.

dv = get_fe_basis(Vₕ)
du = get_trial_fe_basis(Uₕ)

The objects returned are of FEBasis type, one of the subtypes of CellField. Apart from DomainStyle, FEBasis objects also have an additional trait, BasisStyle, which specifies whether the cell-local shape basis functions are either of test or trial type (in the Galerkin method). This information is consumed in different parts of the code.

@test Gridap.FESpaces.BasisStyle(dv) == Gridap.FESpaces.TestBasis()
@test Gridap.FESpaces.BasisStyle(du) == Gridap.FESpaces.TrialBasis()

As expected, dv is made out of test shape functions, and du, of trial shape functions. We can also confirm that both dv and du are CellField and CellDatum objects (i.e., recall that FEBasis is a subtype of CellField, and the latter is a subtype of CellDatum).

@test isa(dv,CellField) && isa(dv,CellDatum)
@test isa(du,CellField) && isa(du,CellDatum)

Thus, one may check the value of their DomainStyle trait.

@test DomainStyle(dv) == ReferenceDomain()
@test DomainStyle(du) == ReferenceDomain()

We can see that the DomainStyle of both FEBasis objects is ReferenceDomain. In the case of CellField objects, this specifies that the point coordinates on which we evaluate the cell-local shape basis functions should be provided in the parametric space of the reference cell (to avoid the need to use the inverse of the geometrical map). However, the output from evaluation, as usual in finite elements defined parametrically, is the cell-local shape function in the physical domain evaluated at the corresponding mapped point.

Recall from above that CellField objects are designed to be evaluated at CellPoint objects, and that we extracted a CellPoint object, Qₕ_cell_point, out of a CellQuadrature, of ReferenceDomain trait DomainStyle. Thus, we can evaluate dv and du at the quadrature rule evaluation points, on all cells, straight away as:

dv_at_Qₕ = evaluate(dv,Qₕ_cell_point)
du_at_Qₕ = evaluate(du,Qₕ_cell_point)

There are a pair of worth noting observations on the result of the previous two instructions. First, both dv_at_Qₕ and du_at_Qₕ are arrays of type Fill (i.e., a constant array that only stores the entry once) because we are using the same quadrature and reference FE for all cells. This (same entry) is justified by: (1) the local shape functions are evaluated at the same set of points in the reference cell parametric space for all cells (i.e., the quadrature rule points), and (2) the shape functions in physical space have these very same values at the corresponding mapped points in the physical space for all cells. Thus they provide the same entry for whatever index we provide.


At this point, the reader may want to observe which object results from the evaluation of, e.g., dv_at_Qₕ, at a different set points for each cell (e.g. by building its own array of arrays of Points).

Going back to our example, any entry of dv_at_Qₕ is a rank-2 array of size 9x4 that provides in position [i,j] the j-th test shape function at the i-th quadrature rule evaluation point. On the other hand, any entry of du_at_Qₕ is a rank-3 array of size 9x1x4 that provides in position [i,1,j] the j-th trial shape function at the i-th quadrature point. The reader might be wondering why the rank of these two arrays are different. The rationale is that, by means of the Julia broadcasting of the * operation on these two arrays, we get the 9x4x4 array where the [i,j,k] entry stores the product of the j-th test and k-th trial functions, both evaluated at the i-th quadrature point. If we sum over the $i$-index, we obtain part of the data required to compute the cell-local matrix that we assemble into the global matrix in order to get a mass matrix. For those readers more used to traditional finite element codes, the broadcast followed by the sum over i, provides the data required in order to implement the following triple standard for-nested loop:

 Loop over quadrature points i
   Loop over shape test functions j
     Loop over shape trial functions k

where det(JK) represents the determinant of the reference-physical mapping of the current cell, and w[i] the quadrature rule weight corresponding to the i-th evaluation point. Using Julia built-in support for broadcasting, we can vectorize the full operation, and get much higher performance.

The highest-level possible way of performing the aforementioned broadcasted * is by building a "new" CellField instance by multiplying the two FEBasis objects, and then evaluating the resulting object at the points in Qₕ_cell_point. This is something common in Gridap. One can create new CellField objects out of existing ones, e.g., by performing operations among them, or by applying a differential operator, such as the gradient.

dv_mult_du = du*dv
dv_mult_du_at_Qₕ = evaluate(dv_mult_du,Qₕ_cell_point)

We can check that any entry of the resulting Fill array is the 9x4x4 array resulting from the broadcasted * of the two aforementioned arrays. In order to do so, we can use the so-called Broadcasting(*) Gridap Map (one of the cornerstones of Gridap).

A Map represents a (general) function (a.k.a. map or mapping) that takes elements in its domain and return elements in its range. A Field is a sub-type of Map for the particular domain and ranges of physical fields detailed above. Why do we need to define the Map type in Gridap instead of using the Julia Function? Map is essential for performance, as we will explain later on.

The Map below is a map that broadcasts the * operation. When applied to arrays of numbers, it essentially translates into the built-in Julia broadcast (check that below!). However, as we will see along the tutorial, such a Map can also be applied to, e.g., (cell) arrays of Fields (arrays of Fields, resp.) to build new (cell) arrays of Fields (arrays of Fields, resp.). This becomes extremely useful to build and evaluate discrete variational forms.

@test all(A .≈ B)
@test all(A .≈ dv_mult_du_at_Qₕ[rand(1:num_cells(Tₕ))])

Recall from above that CellField objects are also CellDatum objects. Thus, one can use the get_data generic function to extract, in an array, the collection of quantities, one per each cell of the triangulation, out of them. As one may expect, in the case of our FEBasis objects dv and du at hand, get_data returns a (cell) array of arrays of Field objects, i.e., the cell-local shape basis functions:

dv_array = get_data(dv)
du_array = get_data(du)
@test isa(dv_array,AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Field}})
@test isa(du_array,AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{<:Field,2}})
@test length(dv_array) == num_cells(Tₕ)
@test length(du_array) == num_cells(Tₕ)

As expected, both dv_array and du_array are (conceptually) vectors (i.e, rank-1 arrays) with as many entries as cells. The concrete type of each vector differs, though, i.e., Fill and LazyArray, resp. (We will come back to LazyArrays below, as they play a fundamental role in the way in which the finite element method is implemented in Gridap.) For each cell, we have arrays of Field objects. Recall from above that Map and Field (with Field a subtype of Map), and CellDatum and CellField (with CellField a subtype of CellDatum) and the associated type hierarchies, are fundamental in Gridap for the implementation of variational methods in finite-dimensional spaces. Field conceptually represents a physical (scalar, vector, or tensor) field. Field objects can be evaluated at single Point objects (or at an array of them in one shot), and they return scalars (i.e., a sub-type of Julia Number), VectorValue, or TensorValue objects (or an array of them, resp.)

In order to evaluate a Field object at a Point object, or at an array of Points, we can use the evaluate generic function in its API. For example, the following statement

ϕ₃ = dv_array[1][3]

evaluates the 3rd test shape function of the local space of the first cell at the 4 vertices of the cell (recall from above that, for the implementation of Lagrangian finite elements being used in this tutorial, shape functions are thought to be evaluated at point coordinates expressed in the parametric space of the reference cell). As expected, ϕ₃ evaluates to one at the 3rd vertex of the cell, and to zero at the rest of vertices, as ϕ₃ is the shape function associated to the Lagrangian node/ DOF located at the 3rd vertex. We can also evaluate all shape functions of the local space of the first cell (i.e., an array of Fields) at once at an array of Points

ϕ = dv_array[1]

As expected, we get the Identity matrix, as the shape functions of the local space have, by definition, the Kronecker delta property.

However, and here comes one of the main take-aways of this tutorial, in Gridap, (cell-wise) arrays of Fields (or arrays of Fields) are definitely NOT conceived to be evaluated following the approach that we used in the previous examples, i.e., by manually extracting the Field (array of Fields) corresponding to a cell, and then evaluating it (them) at a given set of Points. Instead, one uses the lazy_map generic function, which combined with the evaluate function, represents the operation of walking over all cells, and evaluating the fields, cell by cell, as a whole. This is illustrated in the following piece of code:

dv_array_at_qₖ = lazy_map(evaluate,dv_array,qₖ)
du_array_at_qₖ = lazy_map(evaluate,du_array,qₖ)

We note that the results of these two expressions are equivalent to the ones of evaluate(dv, Qₕ_cell_point) and evaluate(du,Qₕ_cell_point), resp. (check it!) In fact, these latter two expressions translate under the hood into the calls to lazy_map above. These calls to lazy_map return an array of the same length of the input arrays, with their i-th entry conceptually defined, e.g., as evaluate(du_array[i],qₖ[i]) in the case of the second array. To be "conceptually defined as" does not mean that they are actually computed as evaluate(du_array[i],qₖ[i]). Indeed they don't, this would not be high performant.

You might now be wondering what the main point behind lazy_map is. lazy_map turns out to be a cornerstone in Gridap. (At this point, you may execute methods(lazy_map) to observe that a large amount of programming logic is devoted to it.) Let us try to answer it more abstractly now. However, this will be revisited along the tutorial with additional examples.

lazy_map can be applied to a Map and an array or a set of arrays, all with the same layout, that provide at every entry the arguments of the map. It conceptually returns the array that results from applying the Map to the arguments in each index of the argument array(s). Usually, the resulting type is a LazyArray.

When the resulting LazyArray entries are also Maps, one could evaluate the LazyArray on the array(s) that provide the argument(s) (i.e., its domain) using again a lazy_map. E.g., for the sub-type Field, one can create an array of fields, e.g., cell shape function, apply a Map over this array, e.g., a scaling of the shape functions, using lazy_map. The resulting array (conceptually also an array of Fields) can be evaluated in a set of points applying evaluate using lazy_map, as in the two code lines above.

These lazy objects are cornerstones of Gridap for the following reasons:

  1. To keep memory allocation (and consumption) at very low levels, lazy_map NEVER returns an array that stores the result at all cells at once. In the two examples above, this is achieved using Fill arrays. However, this is only possible in very particular scenarios (see discussion above). In more general cases, the array resulting from lazy_map does not have the same entry in all cells. In such cases, lazy_map returns a LazyArray, which is another essential component of Gridap. In a nutshell, a LazyArray is an array that applies entry-wise arrays of Maps (functions, operations) over array(s) that provide the Maps arguments. These operations are only computed when accessing the corresponding index, thus the name lazy. Besides, the entries of these are computed in an efficient way, using a set of mechanisms that will be illustrated below with examples (e.g., using cache to store the entry-wise data without the need to allocate memory each time we access the LazyArray).

  2. Apart from Function objects, such as evaluate, lazy_map can also be used to apply Maps to arguments. For example, Broadcasting(*) presented above. A Map (or its sub-type Field) can be applied via lazy_map to other Maps (or arrays of Maps) to build a new Map (or array of Maps). Thus, the recursive application of lazy_map lets us build complex operation trees among arrays of Maps as the ones required for the implementation of variational forms. While building these trees, by virtue of Julia support for multiple type dispatching, there are plenty of opportunities for optimization by changing the order in which the operations are performed. These optimizations typically come in the form of a significant saving of FLOPs by exploiting the particular properties of the Maps at hand, but could also come from higher granularity for vectorized array operations when the expressions are actually evaluated. Indeed, the arrays that one usually obtains from lazy_map differ in some cases from the trivial LazyArrays that one would expect from a naive combination of the arguments to lazy_map

  3. Using lazy_map we are hiding thousands of cell loops across the code (as the one for the computation of the element matrices above). As a result, Gridap is much more expressive for cell-wise implementations.

Exploring another type of CellField objects

Let us now work with another type of CellField objects, the ones that are used to represent an arbitrary element of a global FE space of functions, i.e., a FE function. A global FE function can be understood conceptually as a collection of Fields, one per each cell of the triangulation. The Field corresponding to a cell represents the restriction of the global FE function to the cell. (Recall that in finite elements, global functions are defined piece-wise on each cell.) As we did in the previous section, we will explore, at different levels, how FE functions are evaluated. However, we will dig deeper into this by illustrating some of the aforementioned mechanisms on which LazyArray relies in order to efficiently implement the entry-wise application of an operation (or array of operations) to a set of input arrays.

Let us now build a FE function belonging to the global trial space of functions Uₕ, with rand free DOF values. Using Gridap higher-level API, this can be achieved as follows

uₕ = FEFunction(Uₕ,rand(num_free_dofs(Uₕ)))

As expected from the discussion above, the returned object is a CellField object:

@test isa(uₕ,CellField)

Thus, we can, e.g., query the value of its DomainStyle trait, that turns out to be ReferenceDomain

@test DomainStyle(uₕ) == ReferenceDomain()

Thus, in order to evaluate the Field object that represents the restriction of the FE function to a given cell, we have to provide Points in the parametric space of the reference cell, and we get the value of the FE function at the corresponding mapped Points in the physical domain. This should not come as a surprise as we have that: (1) the restriction of the FE function to a given cell is mathematically defined as a linear combination of the local shape functions of the cell (with coefficients given by the values of the DOFs at the cell). (2) As observed in the previous section, the shape functions are such that their value at Points that are mapped from the reference cell to the physical cell by the cell geometrical map can be simply be obtained by evaluating the corresponding shape function in the reference FE at the same Points in the parametric space (without the need to compute the geometrical map and its inverse, i.e., exploiting the fact that the combination of this two is the identity map). This property is thus transferred to the FE function.

As FE functions are CellField objects, we can evaluate them at CellPoint objects. Let us do it at the points within Qₕ_cell_point (see above for a justification of why this is possible):

uₕ_at_Qₕ = evaluate(uₕ,Qₕ_cell_point)

We note that internally this is just the application of evaluate via lazy_map for the raw (i.e., without the CellDatum metadata) cell arrays of uₕ and Qₕ_cell_point (obtained via get_data). Internally, a change_domain is invoked if required, i.e., the two CellDatum do not have the same DomainStyle trait value (not the case here). You can check it by getting into this call using the VSCode debugger (write @enter at the beginning of the line and run it). In any case, we provide many more details below.

For the first time in this tutorial, we have obtained a cell array of type LazyArray from evaluating a CellField at a CellPoint.

@test isa(uₕ_at_Qₕ,LazyArray)

This makes sense as a finite element function restricted to a cell is, in general, different in each cell, i.e., it evaluates to different values at the quadrature rule evaluation points. In other words, the Fill array optimization that was performed for the evaluation of the cell-wise local shape functions dv and du does not apply here, and a LazyArray has to be used instead.

Although it is hard to understand the full concrete type name of uₕ_at_Qₕ at this time


we will dissect LazyArrays in this section up to an extent that will allow us to have a better grasp of it. By now, the most important thing for you to keep in mind is that LazyArrays objects encode a recipe to produce its entries just-in-time when they are accessed. They NEVER store all of its entries at once. Even if the expression uₕ_at_Qₕ typed in the REPL, (or inline evaluations in your code editor) show the array with all of its entries at once, don't get confused. This is because the Julia REPL is evaluating the array at all indices and collecting the result just for printing purposes.

Just as we did with FEBasis, we can extract an array of Field objects out of uₕ_at_Qₕ, as uₕ_at_Qₕ is also a CellBasis object.

uₕ_array = get_data(uₕ)

As expected, uₕ_array is (conceptually) a vector (i.e., rank-1 array) of Field objects.

@test isa(uₕ_array,AbstractVector{<:Field})

Its concrete type is, though, LazyArray

@test isa(uₕ_array,Gridap.Fields.LazyArray)

with full name, as above, of a certain complexity (to say the least):


As mentioned above, lazy_map returns LazyArrays in the most general scenarios. Thus, it is reasonable to think that get_data(uₕ) returns an array that has been built via lazy_map. (We advance now that this is indeed the case.) On the other hand, as uₕ_array is (conceptually) a vector (i.e., rank-1 array) of Field objects, this also tells us that the lazy_map/LazyArray pair does not only play a fundamental role in the evaluation of (e.g., cell) arrays of Fields on (e.g., cell) arrays of arrays of Points, but also in building new cell arrays of Fields (i.e., the local restriction of a FE function to each cell) out of existing ones (i.e., the cell array with the local shape functions). In the words of the previous section, we can use lazy_map to build complex operation trees among arrays of Fields, as required by the computer implementation of variational methods.

The key question now is: what is the point behind get_data(uₕ) returning a LazyArray of Fields, and not just a plain Julia array of Fields? At the end of the day, Field objects themselves have very low memory demands, they only need to hold the necessary information to encode their action (evaluation) on a Point/array of Points. This is in contrast to the evaluation of (e.g., cell) arrays of Fields (or arrays of Fields) at an array of Points, which does consume a significantly allocation of memory (if all entries are to be stored at once in memory, and not by demand). The short answer is higher performance. Using LazyArrays to encode operation trees among cell arrays of Fields, we can apply optimizations when evaluating these operation trees that would not be possible if we just computed a plain array of Fields. If all this sounds quite abstract, (most probably it does), we are going to dig into this further in the rest of the section.

As mentioned above, uₕ_array can be conceptually seen as an array of Fields. Thus, if we access to a particular entry of it, we should get a Field object. (Although possible, this is not the way in which uₕ_array is conceived to be used, as was also mentioned in the previous section.) This is indeed confirmed when accessing, e.g., the third entry of uₕ_array:

uₕ³ = uₕ_array[3]
@test isa(uₕ³,Field)

The concrete type of uₕ³ is LinearCombinationField. This type represents a Field defined as a linear combination of an existing vector of Fields. This sort of Fields can be built using the linear_combination generic function. Among its methods, there is one which takes (1) a vector of scalars (i.e., Julia Numbers) with the coefficients of the expansion and (2) a vector of Fields as its two arguments, and returns a LinearCombinationField object. As mentioned above, this is the exact mathematical definition of a FE function restricted to a cell.

Let us manually build uₕ³. In order to do so, we can first use the get_cell_dof_values generic function, which extracts out of uₕ a cell array of arrays with the DOF values of uₕ restricted to all cells of the triangulation (defined from a conceptual point of view).

Uₖ = get_cell_dof_values(uₕ)

(The returned array turns to be of concrete type LazyArray, again to keep memory allocation low, but let us skip this detail for the moment.) If we restrict Uₖ and dv_array to the third cell

Uₖ³ = Uₖ[3]
ϕₖ³ = dv_array[3]

we get the two arguments that we need to invoke linear_combination in order to build our manually built version of uₕ³

manual_uₕ³ = linear_combination(Uₖ³,ϕₖ³)

We can double-check that uₕ³ and manual_uₕ³ are equivalent by evaluating them at the quadrature rule evaluation points, and comparing the result:

@test evaluate(uₕ³,qₖ[3]) ≈ evaluate(manual_uₕ³,qₖ[3])

Following this idea, we can go even further and manually build a plain Julia vector of LinearCombinationField objects as follows:

manual_uₕ_array = [linear_combination(Uₖ[i],dv_array[i]) for i=1:num_cells(Tₕ)]

And we can (lazily) evaluate this manually-built array of Fields at a cell array of arrays of Points (i.e., at qₖ) using lazy_map:

manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ = lazy_map(evaluate,manual_uₕ_array,qₖ)

The entries of the resulting array are equivalent to those of the array that we obtained from Gridap automatically, i.e., uₕ_at_Qₕ

@test all( uₕ_at_Qₕ .≈ manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ )

However, and here it comes the key of the discussion, the concrete types of uₕ_at_Qₕ and manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ do not match.

@test typeof(uₕ_at_Qₕ) != typeof(manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ)

This is because evaluate(uₕ,Qₕ_cell_point) does not follow the (naive) approach that we followed to build manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ, but it instead calls lazy_map under the hood as follows

uₕ_array_at_qₖ = lazy_map(evaluate,uₕ_array,qₖ)

Now we can see that the types of uₕ_array_at_qₖ and uₕ_at_Qₕ match:

@test typeof(uₕ_array_at_qₖ) == typeof(uₕ_at_Qₕ)

Therefore, why Gridap does not build manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ? what's wrong with it? Let us first try to answer this quantitatively. Let us assume that we want to sum all entries of a LazyArray. In the case of LazyArrays of arrays, this operation is only well-defined if the size of the arrays of all entries matches. This is the case of the uₕ_array_at_qₖ and manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ arrays, as we have the same quadrature rule at all cells. We can write this function following the Gridap internals' way.

function smart_sum(a::LazyArray)
  cache=array_cache(a)             #Create cache out of a
  sum=copy(getindex!(cache,a,1))   #We have to copy the output
                                   #from get_index! to avoid array aliasing
  for i in 2:length(a)
    ai = getindex!(cache,a,i)      #Compute the i-th entry of a
                                   #re-using work arrays in cache
    sum .= sum .+ ai

The function uses the so-called "cache" of a LazyArray. In a nutshell, this cache can be thought as a place-holder of work arrays that can be re-used among different evaluations of the entries of the LazyArray (e.g., the work array in which the result of the computation of an entry of the array is stored.) This way, the code is more performant, as the cache avoids that these work arrays are created repeatedly when traversing the LazyArray and computing its entries. It turns out that LazyArrays are not the only objects in Gridap that (can) work with caches. Map and Field objects also provide caches for reusing temporary storage among their repeated evaluation on different arguments of the same types. (For the eager reader, the cache can be obtained out of a Map/Field with the return_cache abstract method; see also return_type, return_value, and evaluate! functions of the abstract API of Maps). When a LazyArray is created out of objects that in turn rely on caches (e.g., a LazyArray with entries defined as the entry-wise application of a Map to two LazyArrays), the caches of the latter objects are also handled by the former object, so that this scheme naturally accommodates top-down recursion, as per-required in the evaluation of complex operation trees among arrays of Fields, and their evaluation at a set of Points. We warn the reader this is a quite complex mechanism. The reader is encouraged to follow with a debugger, step by step, the execution of the smart_sum function with the LazyArrays built above in order to gain some familiarity with this mechanism.

If we @time the smart_sum function with uₕ_array_at_qₖ and manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ

smart_sum(uₕ_array_at_qₖ)        # Execute once before to neglect JIT-compilation time
smart_sum(manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ) # Execute once before to neglect JIT-compilation time
@time begin
        for i in 1:100_000
@time begin
        for i in 1:100_000

we can observe that the array returned by Gridap can be summed in significantly less time, using significantly less allocations.

Let us try to answer the question now qualitatively. In order to do so, we can take a look at the structure of both LazyArrays using the print_op_tree function provided by Gridap


We can observe from the output of these calls the following:

  1. uₕ_array_at_qₖ is a LazyArray whose entries are defined as the result of applying a Fill array of LinearCombinationMap{Colon} Maps to a LazyArray and a Fill array. The first array provides the FE function DOF values restricted to each cell, and the second the local basis shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points. As the shape functions in physical space have the same values in all cells at the corresponding mapped points in physical space, there is no need to re-evaluate them at each cell, we can evaluate them only once. And this is what the second Fill array stores as its unique entry, i.e., a matrix M[i,j] defined as the value of the j-th Field (i.e., shape function) evaluated at the i-th Point. This is indeed the main optimization that lazy_map applies compared to our manual construction of uₕ_array_at_qₖ. It is worth noting that, if v denotes the linear combination coefficients, and M the matrix resulting from the evaluation of an array of Fields at a set of Points, with M[i,j] being the value of the j-th Field evaluated at the i-th point, the evaluation of LinearCombinationMap{Colon} at v and M returns a vector w with w[i] defined as w[i]=sum_k v[k]*M[i,k], i.e., the FE function evaluated at the i-th point. uₕ_array_at_qₖ handles the cache of LinearCombinationMap{Colon} (which holds internal storage for w) and that of the first LazyArray, so that when it retrieves the DOF values v of a given cell, and then applies LinearCombinationMap{Colon} to v and M, it does not have to allocate any temporary working arrays, but re-uses the ones stored in the different caches.

  2. manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ is also a LazyArray, but structured rather differently to uₕ_array_at_qₖ. In particular, its entries are defined as the result of applying a plain array of LinearCombinationFields to a Fill array of Points that holds the coordinates of the quadrature rule evaluation points in the parametric space of the reference cell (which are equivalent for all cells, thus the Fill array). The evaluation of a LinearCombinationField on a set of Points ultimately depends on LinearCombinationMap. As seen in the previous point, the evaluation of this Map requires a vector v and a matrix M. v was built in-situ when building each LinearCombinationField, and stored within these instances. However, in contrast to uₕ_array_at_qₖ, M is not part of manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ, and thus it has to be (re-)computed each time that we evaluate a new LinearCombinationField instance on a set of points. This is the main source of difference on the computation times observed. By eagerly constructing our array of LinearCombinationFields instead of deferring it until (lazy) evaluation via lazy_map, we lost optimization opportunities. We stress that manual_uₕ_array_at_qₖ also handles the cache of LinearCombinationField (that in turn handles the one of LinearCombinationMap), so that we do not need to allocate M at each cell, we re-use the space within the cache of LinearCombinationField.

To conclude the section, we expect the reader to be convinced of the negative consequences in performance that an eager (early) evaluation of the entries of the array returned by a lazy_map call can have in performance. The leitmotif of Gridap is laziness. When building new arrays of Fields (or arrays of Fields), out of existing ones, or when evaluating them at a set of Points, ALWAYS use lazy_map. This may expand across several recursion levels when building complex operation trees among arrays of Fields. The more we defer the actual computation of the entries of LazyArrays, the more optimizations will be available at the Gridap's disposal by re-arranging the order of operations via exploitation of the particular properties of the arrays at hand. And this is indeed what we are going to do in the rest of the tutorial, namely calling lazy_map to build new cell arrays out of existing ones, to end in a lazy cell array whose entries are the cell matrices and cell vectors contributions to the global linear system.

Let us, e.g., build Uₖ manually using this idea. First, we extract out of uₕ and Uₕ two arrays with the free and fixed (due to strong Dirichlet boundary conditions) DOF values of uₕ

uₕ_free_dof_values = get_free_dof_values(uₕ)
uₕ_dirichlet_dof_values = get_dirichlet_dof_values(Uₕ)

So far these are plain arrays, nothing is lazy. Then we extract out of Uₕ the global indices of the DOFs in each cell, the well-known local-to-global map in FE methods.

σₖ = get_cell_dof_ids(Uₕ)

Finally, we call lazy_map to build a LazyArray, whose entries, when computed, contain the global FE function DOFs restricted to each cell.

m = Broadcasting(PosNegReindex(uₕ_free_dof_values,uₕ_dirichlet_dof_values))
manual_Uₖ = lazy_map(m,σₖ)

PosNegReindex is a Map that is built out of two vectors. We evaluate it at indices of array entries. When we give it a positive index, it returns the entry of the first vector corresponding to this index, and when we give it a negative index, it returns the entry of the second vector corresponding to the flipped-sign index. We can check this with the following expressions

@test evaluate(PosNegReindex(uₕ_free_dof_values,uₕ_dirichlet_dof_values),3) == uₕ_free_dof_values[3]
@test evaluate(PosNegReindex(uₕ_free_dof_values,uₕ_dirichlet_dof_values),-7) == uₕ_dirichlet_dof_values[7]

The Broadcasting(op) Map lets us, in this particular example, broadcast the PosNegReindex(uₕ_free_dof_values,uₕ_dirichlet_dof_values) Map to an array a global DOF ids, to obtain the corresponding cell DOF values. As regular, Broadcasting(op) provides a cache with the work array required to store its result. LazyArray uses this cache to reduce the number of allocations while computing its entries just-in-time. Please note that in Gridap we put negative labels to fixed DOFs and positive to free DOFs in σₖ, thus we use an array that combines σₖ with the two arrays of free and fixed DOF values accessing the right one depending on the index. But everything is lazy, only computed when accessing the array. As mentioned multiple times, laziness is one f the leitmotifs in Gridap, the other being immutability.

Immutability is a feature that comes from functional programming. An immutable object cannot be modified after created. Since objects cannot change, one does not require to track how they change, i.e., there is no need to design (and understand) state diagrams. A code that strictly sticks to this principle is much more readable. Due to laziness, Gridap objects are light-weight, and the (lazy) modification of existing (lazy) objects is highly efficient. You can find this action many times in the code above, in which we use lazy_map to perform actions over lazy objects (e.g., LazyArray or Fill arrays) to create new lazy objects. However, strictly conforming to immutability can be inefficient in some very specific scenarios. Gridap departs from immutability in the linear algebra part, since we want to re-use the memory allocation as much as possible for global arrays or symbolic/numeric factorisations in linear solvers.

The geometrical model

From the triangulation we can also extract the cell map, i.e., the geometrical map that takes points in the parametric space $[0,1]^D$ (the SEGMENT, QUAD, or HEX in 1, 2, or 3D, resp.) and maps it to the cell in the physical space $\Omega$.

ξₖ = get_cell_map(Tₕ)

We note that this map is just a LazyArray of Fields. The metadata related to CellField is not required here, the cell map can only go from the reference to physical space, and its domain can only be a reference cell. For this reason, it is not a CellField.

The cell map takes at each cell points in the parametric space and returns the mapped points in the physical space. Even though this space does not need a global definition (nothing has to be solved here), it is continuous across interior faces.

As usual, this cell_map is a LazyArray. At each cell, it provides the Field that maps Points in the parametric space of the reference cell to Points in physical space.

The node coordinates can be extracted from the triangulation, returning a global array of Points. You can see that such array is stored using Cartesian indices instead of linear indices. It is more natural for Cartesian meshes.

X = get_node_coordinates(Tₕ)

You can also extract a cell-wise array that provides the node indices per cell

cell_node_ids = get_cell_node_ids(Tₕ)

or the cell-wise nodal coordinates, combining the previous two arrays

_Xₖ = get_cell_coordinates(Tₕ)

A low-level definition of the cell map

Now, let us create the geometrical map almost from scratch, using the concepts that we have learned so far. In this example, we consider that the geometry is represented with a bilinear map, and we thus use a first-order, scalar-valued FE space to represent the nodal coordinate values. To this end, as we did before with the global space of FE functions, we first need to create a Polytope using an array of dimension D with the parameter HEX_AXIS. Then, this is used to create the scalar first order Lagrangian reference FE.

pol = Polytope(Fill(HEX_AXIS,D)...)
reffe_g = LagrangianRefFE(Float64,pol,1)

Next, we extract the basis of shape functions out of this Reference FE, which is a set of Fields, as many as shape functions. We note that these Fields have as domain the parametric space $[0,1]^D$. Thus, they can readily be evaluated for points in the parametric space.

ϕrg = get_shapefuns(reffe_g)

Now, we create a global cell array that has the same reference FE basis for all cells.

ϕrgₖ = Fill(ϕrg,num_cells(Tₕ))

Next, we use lazy_map to build a LazyArray that provides the coordinates of the nodes of each cell in physical space. To this end, we use the Broadcasting(Reindex(X)) and apply it to cell_node_ids.

Xₖ = lazy_map(Broadcasting(Reindex(X)),cell_node_ids)

Reindex is a Map that is built out of a single vector, X in this case. We evaluate it at indices of array entries, and it just returns the entry of the vector from which it is built corresponding to this index. We can check this with the following expressions:

@test evaluate(Reindex(X),3) == X[3]

If we combine Broadcasting and Reindex, then we can evaluate efficiently the Reindex Map at arrays of node ids, i.e., at each of the entries of cell_node_ids. lazy_map is used for reasons hopefully clear at this point (low memory consumption, efficient computation of the entries via caches, further opportunities for optimizations when combined with other lazy_map calls, etc.). Finally, we can check that Xₖ is equivalent to the array returned by Gridap, i.e, _Xₖ

@test Xₖ == _Xₖ == get_cell_coordinates(Tₕ) # check

Next, we can compute the geometrical map as the linear combination of these shape functions in the parametric space with the node coordinates (at each cell)

ψₖ = lazy_map(linear_combination,Xₖ,ϕrgₖ)

This is the mathematical definition of the geometrical map in FEs! (see above for a description of the linear_combination generic function). As expected, the FE map that we have built manually is equivalent to the one internally built by Gridap.

@test lazy_map(evaluate,ψₖ,qₖ) == lazy_map(evaluate,ξₖ,qₖ) # check

It is good to stress (if it was not fully grasped yet) that lazy_map(k,a,b), with k being a callable Julia object, is semantically (conceptually) equivalent to map(k,a,b) but, among others, with a lazy result instead of a plain Julia array. A Julia object is callable if it makes sense to pass arguments to it. For example, objects k such that isa(k,Map)==true are callable. For these objects, k(x...) is equivalent to evaluate(k,x...).

Following the same ideas, we can compute the Jacobian of the geometrical map (cell-wise). The Jacobian of the transformation is simply its gradient. The gradient in the parametric space can be built using two equivalent approaches. On the one hand, we can apply the Broadcasting(∇) Map to the array of Fields with the local shape basis functions (i.e., ϕrg). This results in an array of Fields with the gradients, (Recall that Maps can be applied to array of Fields in order to get new array of Fields) that we use to build a Fill array with the result. Finally, we build the lazy array with the cell-wise Jacobians of the map as the linear combination of the node coordinates and the gradients of the local cell shape basis functions:

∇ϕrg  = Broadcasting(∇)(ϕrg)
∇ϕrgₖ = Fill(∇ϕrg,num_cells(model))
J = lazy_map(linear_combination,Xₖ,∇ϕrgₖ)

We note that lazy_map is not required in the first expression, as we are not actually working with cell arrays. On the other hand, using lazy_map, we can apply Broadcasting(∇) to the cell array of Fields with the geometrical map.


As mentioned above, those two approaches are equivalent

@test typeof(J) == typeof(lazy_map(Broadcasting(∇),ψₖ))
@test lazy_map(evaluate,J,qₖ) == lazy_map(evaluate,lazy_map(Broadcasting(∇),ψₖ),qₖ)

Computing the gradients of the trial and test FE space bases

Another salient feature of Gridap is that we can directly take the gradient of finite element bases. (In general, of any CellField object.) In the following code snippet, we do so for dv and du

grad_dv = ∇(dv)
grad_du = ∇(du)

The result of this operation when applied to a FEBasis object is a new FEBasis object.

@test isa(grad_dv, Gridap.FESpaces.FEBasis)
@test isa(grad_du, Gridap.FESpaces.FEBasis)

We can also extract an array of arrays of Fields, as we have done before with FEBasis objects.

grad_dv_array = get_data(grad_dv)
grad_du_array = get_data(grad_du)

The resulting LazyArrays encode the so-called pull back transformation of the gradients. We need this transformation in order to compute the gradients in physical space. The gradients in physical space are indeed the ones that we need to integrate in the finite element method, not the reference ones, even if we always evaluate the integrals in the parametric space of the reference cell. We can also check that the DomainStyle trait of grad_dv and grad_du is ReferenceDomain

@test DomainStyle(grad_dv) == ReferenceDomain()
@test DomainStyle(grad_du) == ReferenceDomain()

This should not come as a surprise, as this is indeed the nature of the pull back transformation of the gradients. We provide Points in the parametric space of the reference cell, and we get back the gradients in physical space evaluated at the mapped Points in physical space.

We can manually build grad_dv_array and grad_du_array as follows

ϕr                   = get_shapefuns(reffe)
∇ϕr                  = Broadcasting(∇)(ϕr)
∇ϕrₖ                 = Fill(∇ϕr,num_cells(Tₕ))
manual_grad_dv_array = lazy_map(Broadcasting(push_∇),∇ϕrₖ,ξₖ)
∇ϕrᵀ                 = Broadcasting(∇)(transpose(ϕr))
∇ϕrₖᵀ                = Fill(∇ϕrᵀ,num_cells(Tₕ))
manual_grad_du_array = lazy_map(Broadcasting(push_∇),∇ϕrₖᵀ,ξₖ)

We note the use of the Broadcasting(push_∇) Map at the last step. For Lagrangian FE spaces, this Map represents the pull back of the gradients. This transformation requires the gradients of the shape functions in the reference space, and the (gradient of the) geometrical map. The last step, e.g., the construction of manual_grad_dv_array, actually translates into the combination of the following calls to lazy_map to build the final transformation:

Build array of Fields with the Jacobian transposed at each cell

Jt     = lazy_map(Broadcasting(∇),ξₖ)

Build array of Fields with the inverse of the Jacobian transposed at each cell

inv_Jt = lazy_map(Operation(inv),Jt)

Build array of arrays of Fields defined as the broadcasted single contraction of the Jacobian inverse transposed and the gradients of the shape functions in the reference space

low_level_manual_gradient_dv_array = lazy_map(Broadcasting(Operation(⋅)),inv_Jt,∇ϕrₖ)

As always, we check that all arrays built are are equivalent

@test typeof(grad_dv_array) == typeof(manual_grad_dv_array)
@test lazy_map(evaluate,grad_dv_array,qₖ) == lazy_map(evaluate,manual_grad_dv_array,qₖ)
@test lazy_map(evaluate,grad_dv_array,qₖ) == lazy_map(evaluate,low_level_manual_gradient_dv_array,qₖ)
@test lazy_map(evaluate,grad_dv_array,qₖ) == evaluate(grad_dv,Qₕ_cell_point)

With the lessons learned so far in this section, it is left as an exercise for the reader to manually build the array that get_data returns when we call it with the CellField object resulting from taking the gradient of uₕ as an argument, i.e., get_data(∇(uₕ)).

A low-level implementation of the residual integration and assembly

In the rest of the tutorial we aim to solve a Poisson equation with homogeneous source term, i.e., $f=0$ and non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions $u=g_0$ on $\Gamma_D$, with $\Gamma_D$ being the whole boundary of the model. While the strong imposition of non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in Gridap is done under the hood by modifying the global assembly process by subtracting the contributions of boundary conditions from the right hand side of the linear system, in this tutorial, for simplicity, we follow a different approach. This approach requires: (1) to be able to assemble the residual of the PDE for an arbitrary finite element function $\hat{u}_h$ (current section); (2) to be able to assemble the coefficient matrix of the finite element linear system (next section). We briefly outline this solution approach in the sequel.

The discretized variational form of the Poisson problem reads as:

Find $u_h \in V_h^{\Gamma_D}=\{v_h \in V_h:v_h=g^h_0 \; on \; \Gamma_D\}$ such that

\[a(u_h,v_h)=l(v_h)\quad \forall v_h \in V_h^0\]

where $V_h^0=\{v_h \in V_h:v_h=0 \; on \; \Gamma_D\}$ and $g^h_0$ is the interpolation of $g_0$ on the Dirichlet boundary.

If we take an arbitrary function $\hat{u}_h \in V_h^{\Gamma_D}$, and compute $w_h \in V_h^0$ as the solution of the following discrete variational problem:

\[a(w_h,v_h)=a(\hat{u}_h,v_h)-l(v_h)\quad \forall v_h,w_h \in V_h^0,\]

then, it is easy to see that $\mathbf{ u_h=\hat{u}_h-w_h }$. This is the strategy that we implement in the sequel. Note that, in previous section, we created a FE function using rand for initializing the values of the degrees of freedom. This function indeed plays the role of $\hat{u}_h$.

Let us now create manually an array of Fields uₖ that returns the FE function uₕ at each cell, and another array with its gradients, ∇uₖ. We hope that the next set of instructions can be already understood with the material covered so far

ϕrₖ = Fill(ϕr,num_cells(Tₕ))
∇ϕₖ = manual_grad_dv_array
uₖ  = lazy_map(linear_combination,Uₖ,ϕrₖ)
∇uₖ = lazy_map(linear_combination,Uₖ,∇ϕₖ)

Let us consider now the integration of (bi)linear forms. The idea is to compute first the following residual for our random function uₕ

intg = ∇(uₕ)⋅∇(dv)

but we are going to do it using low-level methods instead.

First, we create an array that for each cell returns the dot product of the gradients

Iₖ = lazy_map(Broadcasting(Operation(⋅)),∇uₖ,∇ϕₖ)

This array is equivalent to the one within the intg CellField object

@test all(lazy_map(evaluate,Iₖ,qₖ) .≈ lazy_map(evaluate,get_data(intg),qₖ))

Now, we can finally compute the cell-wise residual array, which using the high-level integrate function is

res = integrate(∇(uₕ)⋅∇(dv),Qₕ)

In a low-level, what we do is to apply (create a LazyArray) the IntegrationMap Map over the integrand evaluated at the integration points, the quadrature rule weights, and the Jacobian evaluated at the integration points

Jq = lazy_map(evaluate,J,qₖ)
intq = lazy_map(evaluate,Iₖ,qₖ)
iwq = lazy_map(IntegrationMap(),intq,Qₕ.cell_weight,Jq)
@test all(res .≈ iwq)

The result is the cell-wise residual (previous to assembly). This is a lazy array but you could collect the element residuals into a plain Julia array if you want


Alternatively, we can use the following syntactic sugar

cellvals = ∫( ∇(dv)⋅∇(uₕ) )*Qₕ

and check that we get the same cell-wise residual as the one defined above

@test all(cellvals .≈ iwq)

Assembling a residual

Now, we need to assemble these cell-wise (lazy) residual contributions in a global (non-lazy) array. With all this, we can assemble our vector using the cell-wise residual contributions and the assembler. Let us create a standard assembler struct for the finite element spaces at hand. This will create a vector of size global number of DOFs, and a SparseMatrixCSC, to which we can add contributions.

assem = SparseMatrixAssembler(Uₕ,Vₕ)

We create a tuple with 1-entry arrays with the cell vectors (i.e., iwq) and cell-wise global DOF identifiers (i.e., σₖ). If we had additional terms, we would have more entries in the array. You can take a look at the SparseMatrixAssembler struct for more details.

rs = ([iwq],[σₖ])
b = allocate_vector(assem,rs)

A low-level implementation of the Jacobian integration and assembly

After computing the residual, we use similar ideas for the Jacobian. The process is the same as above, so it does not require additional explanations

∇ϕₖᵀ = manual_grad_du_array
int = lazy_map(Broadcasting(Operation(⋅)),∇ϕₖ,∇ϕₖᵀ)
@test all(collect(lazy_map(evaluate,int,qₖ)) .==
intq = lazy_map(evaluate,int,qₖ)
Jq = lazy_map(evaluate,J,qₖ)
iwq = lazy_map(IntegrationMap(),intq,Qₕ.cell_weight,Jq)
jac = integrate(∇(dv)⋅∇(du),Qₕ)
@test collect(iwq) == collect(jac)
rs = ([iwq],[σₖ],[σₖ])
A = allocate_matrix(assem,rs)
A = assemble_matrix!(A,assem,rs)

Now we can obtain the free DOFs by subtracting the solution from the initial guess

x = A \ b
uf = get_free_dof_values(uₕ) - x
ufₕ = FEFunction(Uₕ,uf)
@test sum(integrate((u-ufₕ)*(u-ufₕ),Qₕ)) <= 10^-8

or if you like Unicode symbols

@test ∑(∫(((u-ufₕ)*(u-ufₕ)))Qₕ) <= 10^-8

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