When dealing with large-scale problems, this package can be accelerated through two types of parallelization. The first one is multi-threading, which uses Julia Threads for shared memory parallelization (e.g., julia -t 4
). This method adds some speed-up. However, it is only efficient for a reduced number of threads.
The second one is a distributed memory computing. For such parallelization, we use MPI (mpiexec -np 4 julia input.jl
) through PartitionedArrays
and GridapDistributed
. With MPI we can compute large-scale problems efficiently, up to thousands of cores.
Additionally, the distributed memory implementation is built on top of GridapEmbedded. GridapEmbedded provides parallelization tools since v0.9.2.
Underlying distributed algorithms
The implementation of multi-threading is straightforwardly applied to the embarrassingly parallel loops. However, the distributed memory implementation requires more involved algorithms for the global computations, e.g., the classification of the background cells as inside or outside. These algorithms are described in Chapter 4 of the following PhD thesis.
Pere A. Martorell. "Unfitted finite element methods for explicit boundary representations". PhD Thesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 2024. hdl.handle.net/10803/690625
Multi-threading usage
The usage of this package with multi-threading is the same as for the serial case (see Serial example). The user only needs to set the number of threads when initializing Julia. E.g.,
julia -threads 4
Distributed memory usage
The distributed usage needs to be set up at the driver level. The user needs to install and load MPI.jl
, PartitionedArrays.jl
, and GridapDistributed.jl
Here, we provide a basic example of solving the Poisson equation with distributed STLCutters with 8 MPI tasks. Run the following command.
mpiexec -np 8 julia poisson.jl
Instead of running mpiexec -np 8 julia poisson.jl
, it is recommended to use the mpiexec
function from the MPI.jl
using MPI
mpiexec() do cmd
run(`$cmd -np 8 $(Base.julia_cmd()) --project=$(Base.active_project()) poisson.jl`)
Where poisson.jl
is the following code.
using STLCutters
using Gridap
using GridapEmbedded
using GridapDistributed
using PartitionedArrays
parts = (2,2,2)
cells = (10,10,10)
filename = "stl_file_path.stl"
with_mpi() do distribute
ranks = distribute(LinearIndices((prod(parts),)))
# Domain and discretization
geo = STLGeometry(filename)
pmin,pmax = get_bounding_box(geo)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(ranks,parts,pmin,pmax,cells)
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)
# Cell aggregation
model,cutgeo,aggregates = aggregate(AggregateAllCutCells(),cutgeo)
# Triangulations
Ω_act = Triangulation(cutgeo,ACTIVE)
Ω = Triangulation(cutgeo)
Γ = EmbeddedBoundary(cutgeo)
nΓ = get_normal_vector(Γ)
dΩ = Measure(Ω,2)
dΓ = Measure(Γ,2)
# FE spaces
Vstd = TestFESpace(Ω_act,ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1))
V = AgFEMSpace(model,Vstd,aggregates)
U = TrialFESpace(V)
# Weak form
γ = 10.0
h = (pmax - pmin)[1] / cells[1]
ud(x) = x[1] - x[2]
f = 0
a(u,v) =
∫( ∇(v)⋅∇(u) )dΩ +
∫( (γ/h)*v*u - v*(nΓ⋅∇(u)) - (nΓ⋅∇(v))*u )dΓ
l(v) =
∫( v*f )dΩ +
∫( (γ/h)*v*ud - (nΓ⋅∇(v))*ud )dΓ
# Solve
op = AffineFEOperator(a,l,U,V)
uh = solve(op)
The STL file can be downloaded using download_thingi10k
It is recommended to use with_debug()
instead of with_mpi()
for debugging in serialized execution, see more details in PartitionedArrays
One can consider a different stabilization of the small cut-cell problem instead of AgFEM. Then, the aggregate
and AgFEMSpace
need to be removed. See more examples in GridapEmbedded
Even though the distributed algorithms are proven to be efficient for large-scale weak scaling tests Martorell, 2024. The performance of this implementation is not tested.
Usage with p4est
The implementation is general for all the Gridap.jl
triangulations. Thus, we can use p4est
through GridapP4est.jl
in order to exploit its features. With p4est
, we can take advantage of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and redistribution.
Redistribute with p4est
The following example is using redistribute
to improve the load balancing of the subdomains.
using STLCutters
using Gridap
using GridapEmbedded
using GridapDistributed
using PartitionedArrays
using GridapP4est
parts = 8
cells = (2,2,2)
filename = "293137.stl"
with_mpi() do distribute
ranks = distribute(LinearIndices((prod(parts),)))
# Domain and discretization
geo = STLGeometry(filename)
pmin,pmax = get_bounding_box(geo)
coarse_model = CartesianDiscreteModel(pmin,pmax,cells)
model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(ranks,coarse_model,2)
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)
# Redistribute to avoid void subdmoains
weights = compute_resdistribute_weights(cutgeo)
model, = GridapDistributed.redistribute(model,weights=weights)
# Re-compute discretization
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)
# Cell aggregation
model,cutgeo,aggregates = aggregate(AggregateAllCutCells(),cutgeo)
# Triangulations
Ω_act = Triangulation(cutgeo,ACTIVE)
Ω = Triangulation(cutgeo)
Γ = EmbeddedBoundary(cutgeo)
nΓ = get_normal_vector(Γ)
dΩ = Measure(Ω,2)
dΓ = Measure(Γ,2)
# FE spaces
Vstd = TestFESpace(Ω_act,ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1))
V = AgFEMSpace(model,Vstd,aggregates)
U = TrialFESpace(V)
# Weak form
γ = 10.0
h = (pmax - pmin)[1] / cells[1]
ud(x) = x[1] - x[2]
f = 0
a(u,v) =
∫( ∇(v)⋅∇(u) )dΩ +
∫( (γ/h)*v*u - v*(nΓ⋅∇(u)) - (nΓ⋅∇(v))*u )dΓ
l(v) =
∫( v*f )dΩ +
∫( (γ/h)*v*ud - (nΓ⋅∇(v))*ud )dΓ
# Solve
op = AffineFEOperator(a,l,U,V)
uh = solve(op)
For compatibility reasons, we are not interested on adding GridapP4est
as a dependency. The interested can add it to its own driver.
The compute_resdistribute_weights
is a GridapEmbedded
function since #95
Adaptive mesh refinement with p4est
The p4est
library is designed to provide AMR. In the following example, we can adapt
a mesh using the STLCutters.jl
output and generate a new discretization on the refined mesh. Using STLCutters.jl
works out-of-the-box with 2:1 balanced adapted meshes. The user can use this discretization to solve partial differential equations and combine them with redistribute
using STLCutters
using Gridap
using GridapEmbedded
using GridapDistributed
using PartitionedArrays
using GridapP4est
parts = 8
cells = (16,16,16)
filename = "293137.stl"
with_mpi() do distribute
ranks = distribute(LinearIndices((prod(parts),)))
# Domain and discretization
geo = STLGeometry(filename)
pmin,pmax = get_bounding_box(geo)
coarse_model = CartesianDiscreteModel(pmin,pmax,cells)
model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(ranks,coarse_model)
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)
# Redistribute to avoid void subdmoains
flags = compute_adaptive_flags(cutgeo)
model, = Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(model,flags)
model = Gridap.Adaptivity.get_model(model.dmodel)
# Re-compute discretization
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)
Ωin = Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL_IN)
Ωout = Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL_OUT)
Ωbg = Triangulation(model)
dΩin = Measure(Ωin,2)
dΩout = Measure(Ωout,2)
dΩbg = Measure(Ωbg,2)
e = ∑( ∫(1)dΩin ) + ∑( ∫(1)dΩout ) - ∑( ∫(1)dΩbg )
i_am_main(ranks) && println("Volume error: $e")
The compute_adaptive_flags
is a GridapEmbedded
function since #95