Incompressible Navier-Stokes Tutorial

Problem statement

The goal is to solve a nonlinear multi-field PDE. As a model problem, we consider a well known benchmark in computational fluid dynamics, the laminar flow around a cylinder for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We will solve this problem by building on the concepts seen in the previous tutorials.

The computational domain Ω\Omega is a 2-dimensional channel. The fluid enters the channel from the left boundary (inlet) and exits through the right boundary (outlet). The channel has a cylindrical obstacle near the inlet. The domain can be seen in the following figure:

We define Ω=ΓwΓcΓinΓout\partial \Omega = \Gamma_{w} \cup \Gamma_{c} \cup \Gamma_{in} \cup \Gamma_{out} with Γw\Gamma_{w} the top and bottom channel walls, Γc\Gamma_{c} the cylinder walls, Γin\Gamma_{in} the inlet and Γout\Gamma_{out} the outlet.

Formally, the PDE we want to solve is: find the velocity vector uu and the pressure pp such that

{Δu+Re (u) u+p=0 in Ω,u=0 in Ω,u=uin on Γin,u=0 on ΓwΓc,nΓσ=0 on Γout, \left\lbrace \begin{aligned} -\Delta u + \mathit{Re}\ (u\cdot \nabla)\ u + \nabla p = 0 &\text{ in }\Omega,\\ \nabla\cdot u = 0 &\text{ in } \Omega,\\ u = u_{in} &\text{ on } \Gamma_{in},\\ u = 0 &\text{ on } \Gamma_{w} \cup \Gamma_{c},\\ n_\Gamma \cdot \sigma = 0 &\text{ on } \Gamma_{out},\\ \end{aligned} \right.

where d=2d=2 , and Re\mathit{Re} is the Reynolds number.

The inflow condition is given by

uin(0,y)=(4Umy(Hy)H2,0), u_{in}(0,y) = \left( 4 U_{m} \frac{y(H-y)}{H^2}, 0 \right),

with Um=0.3 m/sU_{m}=0.3 \ m/s the maximum velocity and H=0.41 mH = 0.41 \ m the height of the channel.

Numerical Scheme

In order to approximate this problem we choose a formulation based on inf-sup stable Pk/Pk1P_{k}/P_{k-1} triangular elements with continuous velocities and pressures. The interpolation spaces are defined as follows. The velocity interpolation space is

V{v[H1(Ω)]d: vT[Pk(T)]d for all TT}, V \doteq \{ v \in [H^1(\Omega)]^d:\ v|_T\in [P_k(T)]^d \text{ for all } T\in\mathcal{T} \},

where TT denotes an arbitrary cell of the FE mesh T\mathcal{T}, and Pk(T)P_k(T) is the usual Lagrangian FE space of order kk defined on a mesh of triangles or tetrahedra. On the other hand, the space for the pressure is given by

Q{qC0(Ω): qTPk1(T) for all TT}. Q \doteq \{ q \in C^0(\Omega):\ q|_T\in P_{k-1}(T) \text{ for all } T\in\mathcal{T}\}.

The weak form associated to these interpolation spaces reads: find (u,p)Ug×Q(u,p)\in U_g \times Q such that [r(u,p)](v,q)=0[r(u,p)](v,q)=0 for all (v,q)V0×Q(v,q)\in V_0 \times Q where UgU_g and V0V_0 are the set of functions in VV fulfilling the Dirichlet boundary conditions and the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions respectively. The weak residual rr evaluated at a given pair (u,p)(u,p) is the linear form defined as

[r(u,p)](v,q)a((u,p),(v,q))+[c(u)](v), [r(u,p)](v,q) \doteq a((u,p),(v,q))+ [c(u)](v),


a((u,p),(v,q))Ωvu dΩΩ(v) p dΩ+Ωq (u) dΩ,[c(u)](v)Ωv((u) u) dΩ. \begin{aligned} a((u,p),(v,q)) &\doteq \int_{\Omega} \nabla v \cdot \nabla u \ {\rm d}\Omega - \int_{\Omega} (\nabla\cdot v) \ p \ {\rm d}\Omega + \int_{\Omega} q \ (\nabla \cdot u) \ {\rm d}\Omega,\\ [c(u)](v) &\doteq \int_{\Omega} v \cdot \left( (u\cdot\nabla)\ u \right)\ {\rm d}\Omega.\\ \end{aligned}

Note that the bilinear form aa is associated with the linear part of the PDE, whereas cc is the contribution to the residual resulting from the convective term.

In order to solve this nonlinear weak equation with a Newton-Raphson method, one needs to compute the Jacobian associated with the residual rr. In this case, the Jacobian jj evaluated at a pair (u,p)(u,p) is the bilinear form defined as

[j(u,p)]((δu,δp),(v,q))a((δu,δp),(v,q))+[dc(u)](δu,v), [j(u,p)]((\delta u, \delta p),(v,q)) \doteq a((\delta u,\delta p),(v,q)) + [{\rm d}c(u)](\delta u,v),

where dc{\rm d}c results from the linearization of the convective term, namely

[dc(u)](δu,v)Ωv((u) δu) dΩ+Ωv((δu) u) dΩ. [{\rm d}c(u)](\delta u,v) \doteq \int_{\Omega} v \cdot \left( (u\cdot\nabla)\ \delta u \right) \ {\rm d}\Omega + \int_{\Omega} v \cdot \left( (\delta u\cdot\nabla)\ u \right) \ {\rm d}\Omega.


We start by importing the packages and loading the provided mesh in the file perforated_plate_tiny.msh:

using Gridap, GridapGmsh
using DrWatson

msh_file = projectdir("meshes/perforated_plate_tiny.msh")
model = GmshDiscreteModel(msh_file)

Exercise 1

Open the resulting files with ParaView. Visualize the faces of the model and color them by each of the available fields. Identify the tag names representing the boundaries Γw\Gamma_{w} (top and bottom channel walls), Γc\Gamma_{c} (cylinder walls), Γin\Gamma_{in} (inlet) and Γout\Gamma_{out} (outlet).


FE Spaces

Exercise 2

Define the test FESpaces for velocity and pressure, as described above. The velocity space should be a vector-valued lagrangian space of order k with appropriate boundary conditions. The pressure space should be an unconstrained lagrangian space of order k-1.

D = 2
k = 2

Exercise 3

Define the boundary conditions for velocity. You should define three functions u_in, u_w and u_c representing the prescribed dirichlet values at Γin\Gamma_{in}, Γw\Gamma_w and Γc\Gamma_c respectively.

Exercise 4

Define the trial and test spaces for the velocity and pressure fields, as well as the corresponding multi-field spaces.

#U =
#P =
#Y =
#X =

Nonlinear weak form and FE operator

As usual, we start by defining the triangulations and measures we will need to define the weak form. In this case, we need to define the measure associate with the bulk dΩd\Omega, as well as the measure associated with the outlet boundary Γout\Gamma_{out}.

degree = k
Ω  = Triangulation(model)
dΩ = Measure(Ω,degree)

Γ_out = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags="outlet")
n_Γout = get_normal_vector(Γ_out)
dΓ_out = Measure(Γ_out,degree)

We also define the Reynolds number and functions to represent the convective term and its linearization.

const Re = 20
conv(u,∇u) = Re*(∇u')⋅u
dconv(du,∇du,u,∇u) = conv(u,∇du)+conv(du,∇u)

Exercise 5

Define the weak form for our problem. You should start by defining the bilinear forms aa and cc and the trilinear form dcdc. Then use these components to build the residual rr and the jacobian jj.

#a((u,p),(v,q)) =
#c(u,v) =
#dc(u,du,v) =
#res((u,p),(v,q)) =
#jac((u,p),(du,dp),(v,q)) =

We can finally define the FEOperator as usual

op = FEOperator(res,jac,X,Y)

Solver and solution

Exercise 6

Create a nonlinear Newton-Raphson solver and solve the problem. Print the solutions to a .vtk file and examine the obtained solution.

using LineSearches: BackTracking


This tutorial follows test case 2D-1 from (Schafer,1996)[]