Getting Started

Installation requirements

GridapDistributed is tested on Linux, but it should be also possible to use it on Mac OS and Windows since it is written exclusively in Julia and it only depends on registered Julia packages.


GridapDistributed is a registered package. Thus, the installation should be straight forward using the Julia's package manager Pkg. To this end, open the Julia REPL (i.e., execute the julia binary), type ] to enter package mode, and install GridapDistributed as follows

pkg> add GridapDistributed

You will also need the PartitionedArrays package.

pkg> add PartitionedArrays

If you want to leverage the satellite packages of GridapDistributed.jl, i.e., GridapPETSc.jl, GridapP4est.jl, and/or GridapGmsh.jl, you have to install them separately as

pkg> add GridapPETSc
pkg> add GridapGmsh
pkg> add GridapP4est

Please note that these three packages depend on binary builds of the corresponding libraries they wrap (i.e., PETSc, Gmsh, and P4est). By default, they will leverage binary builds available at the Julia package registry. However, one may also use custom installations of these libraries. See the documentation of the corresponding package for more details

For further information about how to install and manage Julia packages, see the Pkg documentation.

Further steps

If you are new to the Gridap ecosystem of packages, we recommend that you first follow the Gridap Tutorials step by step in order to get familiar with the Gridap.jl library. GridapDistributed.jl and Gridap.jl share almost the same high-level API. Therefore, some familiarity with Gridap.jl is highly recommended (if not essential) before starting with GridapDistributed.jl.

If you are already familiarized with Gridap.jl, we recommend you to start straight away with the following tutorial.